Siobhan's Story
How Ipsum Helped Me
"I was feeling lonely, I was in a very low mood.
I didn't know whether I was coming or going. I felt lonely and isolated at home on my own and wasn't able to access the virtual support that Ipsum was providing due to technical reasons.

Ipsum spoke with me on the telephone and offered to deliver me an art pack at home. It was delivered by one of the staff in a safe way, they quarantined it first and then left on my doorstep and moved back 2 meters before I collected it.
Since receiving it, its had a profound effect on my mental health. I got stuck straight in to the colours and patterns of a bird in the colouring book and lost myself for a while, it took away my worries and problems.
Then disaster struck, I was admitted to GWH with Covid-19, I had nothing with me and had to stay in hospital for a few days because I was so bad. Even though I had received a pack already the lovely people at Ipsum arranged me a mini pack to be delivered to the hospital to help me there. I was so happy, there was a pen, sketch paper and a little fairy cross stitch kit.
Knowing that they were there at the end of a phone and cared enough to hand deliver art supplies to me made me feel really special. My self worth is so much better, its really helped.
The weight of relief that has lifted off my shoulders is huge, my mental health feels so much better.
Now I am home from hospital and on the mend, although I have to wear compression socks and I have terrible rashes, but the art takes my mind off of that.
Since coming home I now have a little area that I call my art corner, a little haven that is just for me."